



Before commencement you must complete the following easy steps to 毕业:

TCU graduate moving her tassel over on her 毕业 cap

File an intent-to-graduate form in your academic dean’s office early in your next-to-last 学习学期. 你 should meet with your academic advisor prior to registering 为你最后一学期的课程准备的.

Complete the courses for your final semester. 确保所有的“I”(不完整)成绩 are completed and all official transcripts from other universities are filed in the 注册处. Deadline for "I" grades is 3月15日 and for transcripts is MAY 8.

Update your current address (w在这里 you presently reside) and your permanent address (parent or guardian’s address) online at: my.tcu.学生中心,个人信息. 的 addresses are important as you will receive mailings from the Registrar, the Chancellor’s office and other key University personnel concerning 毕业. 你的地址也是 is provided to the professional photographer. (NOTE: If you have FERPA set on your account, your address will not be given.)
Complete exit requirements for your student loans 在这里. 你 may view your loans borrowed at TCU at: my.tcu.财政援助,贷款汇总. If you need help completing these requirements, please contact the Financial 援助 office at financialaid@jidongchina.com.
Satisfy all financial obligations in the 金融服务 office by 5月1日.

登录我的.jidongchina.com, student home page and click Academic Records, Diploma/Cap and 礼服订购. Once you have placed your 文凭 order, scroll to the bottom to order 帽/礼服. (帽袍订单后下单 3月25日 要交滞纳金吗.毕业生可以保留帽子和流苏.

在我的.jidongchina.com, remember that tradition suggests your full name (First Middle Last) for the 文凭; no nicknames or titles. 名字公布了 in the 毕业典礼 program will be the same as the name you have printed on your 文凭. 的 deadline for online 文凭 ordering is 3月25日. 所有帐目必须由 5月1日.

Only the degree name prints on the 文凭; majors, minors and concentrations print 官方文字记录. Latin Honors are also printed on the 文凭, and all 荣誉记录在程序中. 拉丁文荣誉没有荣誉勋章. 一些组织 提供与礼服搭配的荣誉绳. Contact your organization for this information.

If you cannot attend commencement, check the "Not Attending 毕业典礼" box. 文凭 will be mailed after commencement if they are not picked up from the Registrar's office 毕业典礼后的一周.



TCU is committed to providing an inclusive commencement experience. 有以下经历的学生 questions regarding accommodations may contact the Office of Student Access and Accommodation at 817-257-6567.

毕业典礼 is a special event for everyone involved. 请尊重所有人 who have come to share in this landmark experience. 个人从事适当的 or disruptive behavior may be removed from the event.

失物招领处请找引座员. After 毕业典礼, contact the TCU Police office 拉伯克大街3025号. 或致电817-257-7777.

 你r student account must be paid in full by 5月1日,其中包括毕业费:

  • 本科:55美元.00
  • 研究生:65美元.00
  • Ph.D.: $100.00

This fee is for the rental of the 帽/礼服 and the processing of 文凭s (and mailings, if the student does not attend 毕业).

This fee is non-refundable even if circumstances arise and the student has to postpone 毕业.

For questions on how to make payment arrangements, contact 学生财务服务.

Pick up your cap and gown at the TCU校园商店 (2950 W. Berry)开始:

  • 5月7日星期二下午1点.m. - 5 p.m.
  • 5月8日星期三上午9点.m. – 5 p.m.
  • 5月9日星期四上午9点.m. – 5 p.m.
  • 5月10日星期五上午9点.m. – 2 p.m.
  • 5月11日星期六上午7点.m. 在体育场

Caps/gowns are not available before these dates for pickup.

闪光摄影 will be on hand to take pictures of all graduates. 三个图片 will be taken: one with the Chancellor, one with the Dean and a posed shot after you 退出舞台. 的 company will mail proofs to the graduate's permanent address and send an email with instructions on how to order photos. 如有疑问,请致电 817-924-2626或电子邮件 flash10@aol.com.

NOTE: If you have FERPA set on your TCU account, your address will not be given to bc体育摄影师.

  • 任何人造噪音制造者(i.e., air horns, cans filled with contents, etc.)
  • 气球
  • 五彩纸屑
  • 吸烟(请注意: TCU是一个无烟校园.)
  • 宠物
  • 酒精饮料
  • TCU enforces a clear bag policy for all campus events.

未完成的成绩截止日期为 3月15日 unless you have filed an extension or are working on your thesis/dissertation. 你 cannot graduate with an “I” that has not been removed.
Deadline for receiving transcripts from another college is 5月8日. Please make arrangements with your professors at the other university in order to 在截止日期前完成任务. If you have any trouble with this deadline, contact Kristi Harrison in the Registrar's office at 817-257-5090 or k.harrison@jidongchina.com.

Before commencement, a walk-number card will be emailed to you. 这张卡片将表明 你在队伍中的位置. 你 must print out this card and present it at commencement to ensure you receive 正确的文凭. If you lose this card, you must report to the Registrar's table located near the 毕业典礼当天的毕业生排队区.

Lauren Studios will come to campus on the following dates to take senior photos for the Horned Frog Yearbook and for personal use. 需要预约; visit http://laurenorders.com/login  预约. Log in information to make appointments is below. 的 photos will be taken in the Hillel room on the 3rd floor of the BLUU.
          Undergraduate Students:  24TCUUG-*student ID Number*
          Graduate Students:  24TCUGRAD-*student ID Number*

Plain clothes, as well as cap and gown (which will be provided), photos will be taken. 的 plain clothes photos will be used in the Yearbook, and the cap and gown photos 可以订购供个人使用吗. Ordered photos will arrive in time to be mailed out 伴随着毕业通知. For any questions, please contact the Yearbook staff 电话:817-257-5279 yearbook@jidongchina.com



院长Sonja S. 沃森
院长迈克尔·St. A. 米勒
迪恩·斯图尔特. 弗林
理学院 & 工程
哈里斯护理学院 & 健康科学
院长克里斯托弗·R. 美国瓦茨
约翰五世. 罗奇荣誉学院
院长罗纳德·L. 皮特考克
校友会 817-257-7803
职业生涯 & bc体育发展 817-257-2222
毕业典礼, Office of Community Projects 817-257-7808
金融服务 817-257-7834
闪光摄影 817-924-2626
注册处 817-257-7237
TCU校园商店 817-257-7844